Public Records


A request for a copy of public records of the South Kingstown School Department should be submitted  by completing this form or by visiting:

Requests can also be made by:
Mail or verbal requests: 307 Curtis Corner Road, Wakefield, RI 02879.
Telephone requests: (401) 360-1307
Fax requests: (401) 360-1330

The Access to Public Records Act allows a public body ten (10) business days to respond, unless otherwise extended for good cause. In such instances, a response will be provided within thirty
(30) days of receipt of request.

The Department may charge a fee of fifteen cents ($.15) per page for copies and/or fifteen dollars ($15.00) per hour, after the first hour, for search and/or retrieval of documents.

South Kingstown School Department is not obligated to produce for inspection or copying records that are not in its possession. Moreover, the Department is not required to reorganize,
consolidate, or compile data that is not maintained in the form requested.

The South Kingstown School Department is committed to providing public records in an expeditious and courteous manner consistent with the Access to Public Records Act.