2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak
- RIDOH COVID-19 Hotline: People with general questions about COVID-19 can call 401-222-8022RIDOH COVID-19
- MENTAL HEALTH Hotline: People in need of any type of MENTAL HEALTH supports can call 401-414-5465
- CORONAVIRUS ANXIETY: Please take a minute to view this great resource about managing Coronavirus / COVID-19 anxiety. This is something that we ALL should think about.This includes how we should speak to our children about it.
Information from South Kingstown School Department
Superintendent Letter from June 11 Re-entry1
Superintendent Letter from April 23
Link to the SKSD Virtual Learning Web Site
Link to the SKSD Virtual Learning Plan
Superintendent Letter from March 30
Link to COVID-19 News on SKSD Main Page
Superintendent Letter from March 18 &
Virtual Learning Overview
Superintendent Letter from March 14
Superintendent Letter from March 13
Superintendent Letter from March 12
Superintendent Letter from March 5
Superintendent Letter (Updated) from March 1
Superintendent Letter from February 28
Helpful Information from RI Department of Education
Hand hygiene - Students and staff should be encouraged to wash hands often with soap
and water, especially after coughing and sneezing. If soap and water is unavailable,
sanitizers may be used.
Kids Video:
Respiratory etiquette- RIDOH and CDC recommend covering the nose and mouth with
a tissue when coughing or sneezing (or a shirt sleeve or elbow if no tissue is available)
and throwing the tissue in the trash after use, followed by hand washing.
Kids Video:
Routine Cleaning- School staff should routinely clean areas that students and staff touch
often with the cleaners they typically use. Cleaning should take place immediately if
there is contamination of surfaces with blood, stool or vomit. CDC recommends personal
protective equipment as part of universal precautions when cleaning body fluid spills.
CDC Instructions:
Preventing Stigma and Discrimination - At this time most people in the United States
have little immediate risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. However,
some people are worried about the disease. Fear and anxiety can lead to social stigma
towards Chinese or other Asian Americans. Stigma and discrimination can occur when
people associate an infectious disease, such as COVID-19, with a population or
nationality, even though not everyone in that population or from that region is
specifically at risk for the disease. Stigma hurts everyone by creating more fear or anger
towards ordinary people instead of the disease that is causing the problem. We can fight
stigma and help not hurt others by providing social support. We can communicate the
facts that being Chinese or Asian American does not increase the chance of getting or
spreading COVID-19.
Read more at this CDC webpage:
Talking with Children – Tips for Caregivers, Parents and Teachers during Infectious
Disease Outbreaks, see
(Spanish version at )
Additional Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources – COVID-19: Preparing for
Widespread Illness in your School Community, A Legal Guide for School Leaders
(National School Board Association, Feb., 2020),
CDC Coronavirus Situation Summary
CDC Coronavirus Cases in the U.S.
CDC Coronavirus FAQs
CDC What to Do If You Are Sick with Coronavirus Disease