Title: Behind the Scenes: Getting Ready for Back to School at South Kingstown School District
As the summer sun begins to wane and the back-to-school buzz fills the air, a dedicated team of individuals works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that South Kingstown School District is prepared to welcome students and kick off another successful academic year. In this glimpse into the inner workings of the district's preparations, we shine a spotlight on some of the unsung heroes who make it all happen.
**John Caporelli - Maintenance Maestro**
Meet John Caporelli, an invaluable member of the maintenance team whose skill set is nothing short of remarkable. From fixing cabinetry to painting and tiling, John's expertise knows no bounds. He's even known to assemble entire rooms, complete with intricate crown molding and trim. As John puts it, "It may sound corny, but I like helping teachers so they have what they need to provide the best education for the kids."
With two schools closing, the district has experienced a flurry of movement, and the maintenance team has been at the heart of it all. John's dedication, along with that of his colleagues, ensures that schools are primed and ready for the September 5th opening. But what does he find most challenging? "Getting everything moved and into the right place so the teacher can get set up. The summer seems long, but it goes by in a blink."
**Kristen Gleason - The Registrar Extraordinaire**
Kristen Gleason, the registrar at South Kingstown School District, is the mastermind behind the scenes who ensures that students are properly registered and accounted for. Her accuracy and attention to detail are paramount in maintaining the district's smooth operations. Kristen's friendly attitude and infectious personality also make her one of the first positive touchpoints for parents, leaving a lasting impression.
"I enjoy meeting the new students and families coming into the district," Kristen shares about her favorite part of gearing up for the school year. As for challenges, she acknowledges, "The most challenging is making sure that everything that needs to be done is completed in time for the first day of school."
**Amy Hubertus - Vice Principal and Visionary**
Amy Hubertus, the Vice Principal at Peace Dale, encapsulates the spirit of excitement that comes with a new school year. She's been at the forefront of getting the school ready to introduce a new Pre-K program and implementing the Learning Inside Out grant, which promises fantastic new outdoor spaces for the students.
With all the changes and additions, Amy admits, "This Summer we will welcome a new principal, new staff, and new programs. I want to ensure that everyone has what they need to do their job well on the first day. This takes a lot of thought, planning, preparation... and flexibility! It is a challenging but also very rewarding task because I know the time I spend doing this will ultimately make the school year run as smoothly as possible for staff and students."
In the bustling backdrop of South Kingstown School District's preparations for the new school year, individuals like John, Kristen, and Amy shine as the unsung heroes who put their heart and soul into ensuring that every student's journey starts on the right foot. Their dedication and passion epitomize the spirit of the district, where every role, no matter how behind-the-scenes, plays a vital part in shaping the future of young minds.