Meal Benefit Applications
Completing your meal benefit application is crucial. If your child doesn't qualify for free school meals, you'll need to add funds to your school meal account to cover the cost of meals, food or beverages. Your application determines your child's eligibility for free or reduced-price lunch. It also helps our schools get important state and federal education funding, which also benefits your child. This form must be completed every year.
Contact Information
Marc Roy
Director Dining Services
[email protected]
Julia Huxley
Executive Assistant
South Kingstown School Department
[email protected]
Federal Eligibility Income Chart for School Year 24/25
Reduced Price Meals
If your child is paying for school meals...
Prepayment for meals can be made by cash or, preferably, by check made out to Chartwells | Include the student's ID number on the face of the check. Prepayments or MySchoolBucks can be used for reduced-price meals.
- Payment methods include cash or using MySchoolBucks
- Student meal transactions can be monitored and electronic deposits made at MySchoolBucks
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can receive free or reduced-price meals?
- Children in households receiving benefits from SNAP Rhode Island, The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDIR), or RI Works are eligible for free meals.
- Foster children under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court are eligible for free meals.
- Children enrolled in their school's Head Start program are eligible for free meals.
Children meeting the criteria for homelessness, runaway status, or being a migrant are eligible for free meals.
- Children may qualify for free or reduced-price meals based on your household's income, as indicated in the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines.
How do I know if my children qualify as homeless, migrant, or runaway?
- Your children may qualify if your household lacks a permanent address, resides in temporary housing like a shelter or hotel, or relocates seasonally. If a child is living with you who has chosen to leave their prior family or household, they may qualify. If you believe your children meet these criteria and have not been informed about their eligibility for free meals, please contact Karen Buetens, Family Engagement Coordinator, at (401)-360-1456 or [email protected].
Do I need to fill out an application for each child?
- No, you can use one Free and Reduced-Price School Meals Application for all students in your household. However, each household most renew their application annually.
Should I fill out an application if I received a letter this school year stating my children are already approved for free meals?
- No, but carefully read the letter and follow the provided instructions. If any children were missing from your eligibility notification, contact Julia Huxley at South Kingstown School District immediately.
Julia Huxley South Kingstown School District
Administration Building
307 Curtis Corner Road, Wakefield, RI 02879
401.360.1311 | [email protected]
My child’s application was approved last year. Do I need to fill out a new one?
- Yes, your child’s application is valid for the previous school year and the first few days of the current school year. You must submit a new application. Without a new approved application, your child will be charged the full price for meals.
I receive WIC. Can my children get free meals?
- Children in households receiving WIC may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Please submit an application.
Will the information I provide be verified?
- Yes, we may request written proof of the household income you report.
Can I apply later if I don’t qualify now?
- Yes, you can apply at any time during the school year, especially if your household’s income drops due to unemployment.
What if I disagree with the school's decision about my application?
- Contact school officials or request a hearing through Michael Podraza at South Kingstown School District. Administration Building
307 Curtis Corner Road
Wakefield, RI 02879 | 401-360-1310
Can I apply if someone in my household is not a U.S. Citizen?
- Yes, U.S. citizenship is not a requirement for applying for free or reduced-price meals.
How should I report variable income?
- Report the amount you typically receive. If you earn overtime regularly, include it, but exclude it if it’s not regular. In cases of job loss or reduced hours or wages, use your current income.
What if some household members have no income to report?
- Please enter “0” for fields where there’s no income. Leaving fields empty will also be considered as zeroes.
Are there special reporting requirements for military households?
What if there isn’t enough space on the application for my family?
- List additional household members on a separate sheet and attach it to your application. Contact Julia Huxley at South Kingstown School District to request a second application.
What if my family needs more assistance?
- Your family might qualify for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or other programs. Visit SNAP Outreach assistance for more information. You can also contact Karen Buetens.
Important Reminders
- If your child has a food allergy, notify your school cafeteria
- Many Eligible families do not apply for school meal benefits, so it's essential to fill out an application
- Qualification is not limited to those below the poverty line.
- You can receive assistance for your family's budget and provide food for your child by applying.
- The application is strightforward and can be completed in approximately 10 minutes. You can find a helpful video on how to fill out the paper application here.
- Application information remains confidential and is not shared with school staff or other agencies.
- Healthy meal choices are consistent for all students.
- Only one application is required for your entire household, regardless of the number of children.
- You must submit a new application each school year to continue receiving free or reduced-price meals.
Additional Information
- If you prefer not to apply online, paper applications are available here or at your local school office.
- Eligibility is based on SNAP, FDIR, TANF, or income criteria.
- Only one application is needed per household, regardless of the number of children attending South Kingstown schools. Submit completed paper applications to any school's main office or mail them to Central Admin.