
South Kingstown Wellness Subcommittee

South Kingstown School District Wellness Policy


Wellness Committee members 

 Keith Vorhaben (Chair) Rachel Dahl Sarah Dennis  Cynthia Hagerty
 Christi Saurette Deborah Vannoy Keith Vellone Robin Wildman
Louise Kiessling, MD  Pauline Lisi Terrance Lynch Maria Parrillo
 Cynthia Wyman      


School Wellness Policy Web Resources

This page lists links that provide resources to implement the South Kingstown Wellness Policy.  Below each link is a brief description. 

Local Wellness: Frequently Asked Questions

Resources to Improve Schools

With childhood obesity and its alarming consequences at an all-time high,the value of improving nutrition and physical activity in our nation's schools is clear. But what is not as clear is how to implement the changes needed to make a lasting improvement.  Simply select a topic for improving schools and children's health from the drop-down menu. You also may search for a specific topic.

Alternative Fundraising Ideas

Web-based resources that offers specific, simple bulleted list of ways to promote health through healthy fund raising.

Creative Financing and Fun Fundraising

Atip sheet of fundraising ideas that feature a variety of alternativesto selling candy or other foods of low nutritional value for schools,youth clubs, and organizations.

Colorado School Site Resource Kit

The Colorado School Site Resource Kit empowers school personnel to implement programs and policies that model and promote a healthy school environment. Such an environment supports development of healthy eating patterns and an active lifestyle. Resources in this kit simplify the processes of assessing, planning, and implementing nutrition and physical activity programs and policies in schools.

Food and Fitness Matter: Raising Healthy Active Kids

This video is designed to engage parents in efforts to prevent childhood obesity. The English version is hosted by actor Julia Louis-Dreyfus andan original Spanish version is hosted by comedian George Lopez. Many health and nutrition experts are featured in the video, including Dr.David Satcher, former U.S. Surgeon General. The video paints a very real picture of the obesity crisis, its impact on children’s health, and the multiple factors that brought us to this point. It offers parents solutions, and ideas for simple things they can do in their own lives,schools, and communities. It also provides practical tips for parents to improve diet and fitness at home, profiles schools that have successfully switched to healthier foods, and inspires parents to join together and press for changes in their schools. A free downloadable 21 page companion guide to the video is also available, and includes a summary of the video, sample discussion questions and handouts. These include fact sheets on childhood obesity, tips on healthier eating, and information on school wellness policies.

Healthy Fundraisers for Schools: Tips from AFHK Team Members

Ideas and links for alternative fundraising options for schools. Includes a list of websites.

Local Wellness: Implementation Tools and Resources

The following links provide topic specific resources—including organizations, programs, curricula, and research—that can help youimplement the Local Wellness Policy. Resources are available in the following areas:

   * Nutrition Education
   * Physical Activity
   * Guidelines for All Foods Served on Campus
   * Other School-Based Activities
   * Multi-Issue

Getting Your Message Out: A Media Guide for Team Nutrition

This guide compiles material previously developed for Changing the Scene,Community Nutrition Action Kit, School Activity Planner, and Get Growing...from the Ground Up. This Media Guide consolidates the information in one location, for easy reference and use.

Strong 4 Life - How to Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy


Alternatives to Using Food as a Reward

Constructive Classroom Rewards

Michigan Team Nutrition Resources

Alternatives To Foods As Rewards

Food is often used to reward good behavior. Unfortunately, the reward oftenundermines nutrition education and encourages over consumption of foodshigh in fat or sugar. Here you will find alternative rewards suggestion.They not only encourage positive behavior in the classroom, but in thelunchroom as well.

Every Body is Good

EveryBody is Good Curriculum (EBIG) is a set of lessons designed for use byany teacher to promote healthy weight and a positive body image instudents. There are two 20-minute lessons for each grade K-6, twolessons for 7th and 8th grades, and two lessons for 9th-12th grades.

Family Book Bag

The Eat Healthy. Play Hard. Read More. Family Book bag is for children ingrades K-2 and can be used in classrooms, out-of-school-time programs,home-visiting programs or any other programs that serve children in thisage group. The Family Book bag program was created so that children andtheir families can have fun reading together at home, while at the sametime learning about eating healthy and being physically active.
FRAC is pleased to announce the availability of School Wellness Policy and Practice: Meeting the Needs of Low-Income Students, a guide for anti-hunger advocates, parents and school community leaders that address the special concerns of low-income students in local school wellness policies.
Resources for Local School Wellness Policies on Nutrition and Physical Activity

·       Crosscutting

·       School Health Councils

·       Nutrition

·       Nutrition and Physical Activity Promotion and Food Marketing

·       Physical Activity Opportunities and Physical Education

·       Monitoring and Policy Review

Nutrition Education/Physical Activity Curriculum Resources

   * Elementary
   * Middle School
   * High School
   * After-School Programs

What schools can do

1.   Wellness Policy Resources

2.   Illinois Schools Take Action

3.   Children in crisis: The trends are alarming

4.   A la carte and vending items for a healthy school environment

5.   Milk vending - a new option

6.   Twenty ways to raise funds without candy

7.   Invitation to school policymakers

8.   Improving children’s health: How school policymakers can make a difference

9.   Resources for education policymakers

10. Resources for school staff

11. New resources for school food service

12. Helping Kids Achieve their True Potential (Power Point Presentation)

 Links for healthy celebrations, fundraising and alternatives to using food as rewards

Ideas for Healthy Celebrations
National Coalition for Food Safe Schools – Food Safety Resources

Rhode Island Coordinated School Health Program

Food Safety Guidelines
School Fundraising Ideas:  A PDF newsletter with Healthy fundraising ideas

(American Academy of Family Physicians-school-based educational program that teaches third and fourth graders about the importance of fitness)

General and specific information regarding alternative fundraising)

The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) website has resources to raise public awareness, to provide advocacy and education, and to advance research on behalf of all those affected by food allergies and anaphylaxis