Staff Universal Precautions

Blood Borne Pathogens Training for Staff

The RI Coordinated School Health Program, thrive, introduces an online tutorial on Universal Precautions in the School Setting.


1. Visit

2. Complete Step One: The Red Book by reading through this book

3. After a SKSD staff member has completed this online training, they should log into Frontline and submit the RIDE Universal Precautions Online Training Professional Development  (in the catalog in Professional Growth) so a record of this participation can be maintained.

Please contact your school nurse teacher if you have any questions or concerns about Blood-Borne Pathogens.


This self-paced online tutorial is part of the RI Coordinated School Health Program - thrive e-Academy, launched in 2004 to enhance flexibility and facilitate participation in professional development opportunities for Rhode Island teachers and school staff.

This tutorial is designed to serve as the required basic blood borne pathogens training for school staff and other employees specifically as they relate to blood borne pathogens and to meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) Blood borne Pathogen Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030. A basic understanding of blood borne pathogens, transmission modes, protection methods, reporting procedures, and other pertinent information is provided in this tutorial.